Ending counselling sessions

Ending counselling sessions

Ending counselling sessions with many clients can be a bit strange. When working with organisations, it is often the case that we have come to the end of the allotted sessions, and we have no choice but to finish the...

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Small things matter.

Small things matter.

The photo above is of our puppy, Margot, who is a small Border Terrier who has exploded with the force of a whirlwind into our lives recently; living proof that small things matter! I was walking Margot back from town...

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Anxiety – The Jealous Lover

Anxiety – The Jealous Lover

In recent weeks, it has been interesting to see how much of a jealous lover anxiety can be. Let me explain. In the early days of any relationship, we tend to accept there is a bit of give and take...

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Good counsellors walk with you—they don’t carry you!

I often get asked about the difference between counsellors, psychotherapists, and psychologists. At the risk of raising the ire of each group, I would suggest that when each is highly qualified, grounded in research, and experienced, the answer is...

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