Counselling information kiosk
On this page, you will find signposts to other sites that provide specialist counselling support or helpful information to help you with your personal, professional, and spiritual development.
Specialist counselling support
I cannot hope to be able to provide answers to all queries, nor am I always the best counsellor, online or face-to-face, to help you resolve your issues.
I have pulled together a list of helpful resources. I am not responsible for the content of their website or the help they may provide; however, they are reputable sources of help, advice and counselling.
NHS Mental Health Support
A great place to start to try and understand the breadth of mental health support available from the NHS, from descriptions of symptoms and conditions to how those conditions are treated.
Respect – Mens Advice Line
The Helpline for male victims of domestic abuse - give them a call if you need help - on 0808 8010327
The Samaritans
The Samaritans are there to offer help around the clock to anyone who is feeling suicidal. Our free helpline is available round the clock on 116 123.
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Ending counselling sessions with many clients can be a bit strange. When working with organisations, it is often the case that we have come to...
Small things matter. Avoiding the small things in life, always looking at the bigger picture, stops us living life to the full....
Anxiety is a jealou lover that demands you and all of you; friends and family are threats to the lover but also your escape route....
Counsellors walk with their clients in their world, listening and feeling but always searching for patterns that provide meaning and understanding....