Counselling comes to you

Online counselling means I can see you wherever you feel safe.

Moving my business online

Through this page, I hope to answer some basic questions about online counselling to assure you that it is as safe, secure, and effective as face-to-face counselling.

It is easy for a counsellor to assume clients know about online counselling. However, while people have been doing more online work in their day jobs because of the pandemic, there are still concerns about seeing a counsellor online.

COVID left counsellors and many other businesses with little choice but to work with clients online. Many counsellors have returned to working face-to-face (F2F); I am not one of these counsellors. My experiences working online were all positive, and emerging research suggests that client outcomes were the same – although admittedly arrived at through different means.

I do miss some things from seeing people F2F, especially the experience of being physically close to another person. However, I find many people, particularly men, are more relaxed in their own space than in my rooms.

why online counselling can be good for you...

When the pandemic hit, many counsellors learned about online counselling on the job. I have undertaken specialist training for delivering online counselling, covering not just video counselling but also text (including IM) and telephone therapy.

certified online counsellor badge

Online counselling can be as effective as face-to-face

Online therapy is just as effective as in-person sessions. In reality, the physical presence of the counsellor is not important – it is the relationship that we have, the rapport, the feedback and the quality of the interactions that drive the success of counselling.

Increasingly, research is showing how effective online counselling can be, particularly for anxiety, depression and some substance use disorders (see this article).

From my own experience, it is fair to say that online counselling can help improve the relationship between the counsellor and client because people are often more relaxed in environments where they can feel safe (see this article).


We’re all swamped these days, and rushing to a counsellor’s office is the last thing we need. It goes without saying, really, but with online counselling, it doesn’t matter where you are. You don’t have to rush to get to the counselling session; with a mobile phone, you only have to find a safe, private place, and we can talk. No battling the traffic in Bristol, London, Edinburgh or even Wells. Talk to me during your lunch hour or before breakfast, from your living room, or as many men do, from your car.

Greater access to quality counsellors

With online counselling for men, you are no longer limited to those counsellors who are in your immediate area. You can access experienced and qualified counsellors who fit your criteria as a client. There is little risk of meeting the counsellor when walking through town; you can talk to me from the privacy of your living room/car/walk!

More privacy

Walking into a counsellor’s office in a small place like Wells sometimes feels too public. Men often do not like nosy friends and neighbours, knowing they are seeing a counsellor. These concerns don’t happen when you visit a counsellor online. You are in control of where you have your session.

I do my bit by ensuring the video platforms are secure and encrypted so no one listens in, and our conversations are private.

FAQs about my online counselling service

I can’t hope to answer every question about online counselling that people have here, but I have tried to answer the most common questions. As other questions arise from clients, I will, of course, add them to this list.

If you have any questions not covered here, please feel free to get in touch.

What equipment do I need for online counselling?
Is online counselling for men suitable for me?
What happens in the initial 30-minute free consultation?
Do you see people face-to-face?
Do you offer a free initial chat?
Is online counselling confidential?
Is online counselling safe?
What experience of online counselling do you have?
Is online counselling more convenient?
Is online counselling as good as face-to-face counseling?
What is online counselling?

Give me a call - if not now, when?

Do you want to know more?

Call 07792 799017 and learn more; use the contact form or email

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