What's going on?

Life is unpredictable and we all face challenges. The Grounded Counselling approach provides a supportive environment to regain control and manage problems in a healthy way.
  • Eating Disorders
  • Personality Disorders, Psychotic disorders
  • Self-harm, Suicidal intent (if you are feeling suicidal, be sure to get in touch with the Samaritans or your GP as soon as possible)
  • Abortion
  • Gender / Sexuality identity issues
  • Early-stage grief (by this, I mean issues related to a bereavement within 24 months)
  • End-of-life issues
  • I do not work with people under 18 years old.

There may also be other issues that arise that I may feel are issues that may be best worked with by another counsellor who may be more specialised in a field than I am.

Give me a call - if not now, when?

Do you want to know more?

Call 07792 799017 and learn more; use the contact form or email info@groundedcounsellor.com.

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